Advisor Stories

Rod's Story

In our latest Advisor Story, Emma recounts finding Rod a care home in the midst of the Covid pandemic.

February 7, 2023
Rod's Story

Rod's Story

When I was asked to find a home for Rod, he was in a community hospital in Worcestershire. He required a nursing bed, and his daughter wanted him to be moved closer to where she lived in Stafford. The choice of homes wasn't huge, and his daughter worked shifts, so it was difficult to arrange viewings. I called his daughter and introduced myself and the service we offer. She was so lovely and easy to speak with. You could tell that Rod was adored by his daughter and immediately I felt attached to the family and really wanted to find him a nice home close to his family.

Then disaster struck! As Covid cleared from the ward, the home closed to admissions because they now had the virus.

We eventually found a suitable home but then Covid hit the ward and discharge was delayed. I made sure that I kept in touch with the home updating them on Rod’s progress, as well as the family throughout. Then disaster struck! As Covid cleared from the ward, the home closed to admissions because they now had the virus. Again, discharge was delayed. Because the home wasn’t sure how long they would be closed for I suggested the family go and view another home. The family agreed and preferred the home I had found for them to view.

After a lot of calls to the family, home and the social worker at the hospital, admission to the home was finally arranged. Rod moved into the home in October and his daughter was there to meet him on the day he arrived. Later on, the same evening, she sent me a lovely photo of her and her dad with a lovely message attached. I was so touched and pleased I could help; this is why I love my job. It wasn't the fastest discharge because of circumstances but I feel everyone was kept well informed and a happy outcome was achieved.

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