Advisor Stories

Malcolm's Story

In this week's Advisor Story, Lynn recounts helping Malcom find a care home near to where he previously lived.

March 29, 2023
Malcolm's Story

Malcolm's Story

I was asked to contact a patient directly who was called Malcolm. The social worker advised me that Malcolm had no next of kin and that he had no one to help him look for a care home. That was very difficult for him to do from a hospital bed. So I went to meet Malcolm on the hospital ward to discuss some options. I had already researched homes based on the information received from the social worker.

After meeting Malcolm and being able to have a good face to face chat with him, I knew which one of the homes on the list would be the most suitable. With Malcolm’s permission I contacted the home immediately and spoke with the manager on speaker phone, so that Malcolm was involved in the conversation. After speaking to Malcolm and assessing his needs, the manager was more than happy to offer a placement and he was happy to accept as the home was near where he had previously lived.

In the following weeks I kept in touch with the manager and received updates that he was very settled and happy. On one occasion I had a chance encounter whilst viewing the home for another client. Malcolm recognised me and thanked me for finding him a lovely home. He said he was very happy there and that he now thought of it as home. I couldn’t have wished for a better outcome.

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