Advisor Stories

John's Story

In this week's Advisor Story, Kim recounts finding John an ideal home to accommodate dementia care.

February 7, 2023
John's Story

John's Story

John was a self-funding gentleman that was looking for residential dementia care in the Stourbridge/ Bridgnorth area. He was originally residing at a residential dementia care home but unfortunately his health had declined, and they were no longer able to meet his care needs, so served him notice. He was having 3 to 4 falls a week and needed closer supervision in a residential dementia home.

I had close interaction with his daughter by phone and email, every step of the way, so she was constantly reassured, supported and updated during the whole process.

After approaching over 19 homes, one residential home finally agreed to accept John

Unfortunately, most residential homes refused John as his care needs were so high and they were unable to accommodate him. However, by communicating directly with the staff at his current home, I was able to ascertain the exact requirements needed to keep him as safe and as well as possible.

After approaching over 19 homes, one residential home finally agreed to accept John, but on a 1:1 basis. This came in at a very high cost that the family could not afford to sustain. As a result of this, I recommended that I would now look into sourcing a nursing home with a higher staff to patient ratio as that would prove to be a more cost-effective solution whilst still meeting John’s needs.

Eventually I successfully sourced a nursing home near Bewdley. They assessed and were happy to accept John. His daughter was more than happy to compromise on the travel distance to give her father access to the best possible care solution at the right price. The whole process from start to finish took 7 days.

After John had settled into his new nursing home, I was delighted to receive an email from his daughter, thanking me for my help and support.

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