Complaints Procedure

Policy Statement

How to Find a Care Home Ltd believes that if a service user wishes to make a complaint or register a concern, they should find it easy to do so. The practice views complaints as an opportunity to learn, adapt, improve and strive to provide better services.

This policy is intended to ensure that complaints are dealt with properly and that all complaints or comments by clients are taken seriously. The policy is not designed to apportion blame, to consider the possibility of negligence or to provide compensation. It is not a disciplinary policy either of How to Find a Care Home Ltd or any other body. How to Find a Care Home Ltd believes that failure to listen to or acknowledge complaints will lead to an aggravation of problems, client dissatisfaction and possible litigation.

How to Find a Care Home Ltd supports the concept that most complaints, if dealt with early, openly and honestly, can be sorted out at a local level between just the complainant and How to Find a Care Home Ltd. If this fails, the complainant being dissatisfied with the result the complaint will be referred to the Directors of How to Find a Care Home Ltd. Legal advice will be taken as per necessary.


The aim of How to Find a Care Home Ltd is to ensure that its complaints procedure is properly and effectively implemented, and that clients feel confident that their complaints and worries are listened to and acted upon promptly and fairly.


The goals are to ensure that:

  • Clients area ware of how to complain, and that How to Find a Care Home Ltd provides easy to use opportunities for them to register their complaints
  • Every written complaint is acknowledged when practical within seven working days
  • Investigations into written complaints are held when practical within 28 days
  • All complaints are responded to in writing by How to Find a Care Home Ltd
  • Complaints are dealt with promptly, fairly and sensitively with due consideration

How to Find a Care Home Ltd believes that, wherever possible, complaints are best dealt with on a local level between the complainant and How to Find a Care Home Ltd. If either of the parties is not satisfied by a local process, they are at liberty to seek further advice from any other agencies or individual bodies.

How to Register a Complaint

  • Raise your concern with a member of our team on 0800 193 0443.
  • If we have not been able to meet your expectation, please email our Senior Manager on
  • The final escalation is our Director to be contacted in writing on The director will make any final decisions in relation to any complaint.